Before bankruptcy, Fred, from Herndon, "Could barely afford food."
Fred emailed me, saying, "After we lost our home because of a Predatory mortgage three years ago, we had incurred debt. Instead of...

Mean Bank Caves in
It's very rare that a bank comes into bankruptcy court to make an objection. But last year Mean Bank (not their real name) did that to my...

How a cheap car payment can help with the means test
The 2005 Bankruptcy law, known BAPCPA or sometimes BARF, was designed to make bankruptcy much more painful for families making over the...
Woodbridge Bankruptcy Law Office Now Has 700 Reviews
Narciso just published the 700th review of our bankruptcy law firm, at our Woodbridge location. He says, “Excellent, great...

Navy Fed Suddenly Mr Nice Guy
I got a very polite letter today from Navy Federal. The most polite letter I have ever received from them. NFCU was writing to tell me...

Best Among Woodbridge Lawyers Dismissal Rate
Again this year, the Bankruptcy Law Office of Robert Weed has the lowest rate of dismissals of any Woodbridge bankruptcy lawyers. The...

Another Woodbridge Family Taking a Chance on A Debt Settlement Outfit
Got an email today from “Ray.” Ray, in Woodbridge, is working with an outfit called Consumer Recovery Network. I never heard of them but...
Woodbridge Couple's Credit Destroyed by National Debt Relief
Talked Friday to a couple from Woodbridge, who came to see me because Tony got garnished, after "settling" their debts through National...