Before bankruptcy, Fred, from Herndon, "Could barely afford food."
Fred emailed me, saying, "After we lost our home because of a Predatory mortgage three years ago, we had incurred debt. Instead of declaring bankruptcy as our foreclosure attorney suggested, I tried to pay off my debt and maintain a good credit score...There have been times when we could barely afford food."
Fred is in his late 60's, battling medical issues, working thirty hours a week at Office Depot. Like many people, he was afraid filing bankruptcy would hurt his credit score. He and his wife moved from the Northeast to the Herndon area, thinking the cost of living in Virginia would be less.
If Fred filed bankruptcy when his house was going to foreclosure, he could have lived there for free for another five months. And his credit score today would probably be 690. But he wanted to pay.
With the help of National Debt Relief, Fred settled cards totaling $7787: Lowes, Paypal, Walmart, Home Shopping Network and Citibank.
But his biggest credit cards are Capital One, Barclays, and Amazon. Those have all put a charge off on his credit, bringing his score down into the mid 400's.
Citibank made $19.401 Billion in 2019. That's $19,401,000,000.00. Of that, they got $1236.00 from Fred.
If Fred hadn't paid, Citi would have only made $19,400,998,764.00. And Fred would have had an extra $100 a month to buy food.

Citibank made $19.4 Billion in 2019. That's $19,401,000,000.00. Of that, they got $1236.00 from Fred.
If Fred hadn't paid, Citi would have only made $19,400,998,8746.00. And Fred would have had an extra $100 a month to buy food.